When the whole World is rocketing towards economic & industrial growth, man forgets his fellow beings and tends to trample over many beings lesser than him. Only a very few show their dismay at this cruel and callous disregard to nature and her children who are less fortunate, yet so needed for that crucial balance that sustains nature. Even a lesser few decide to act on their instincts, to do something, anything to stop this plunder.Mr.Varkey Veliyath is one who realized the importance of ecological balance , leading from the very front, showing the whole World how practical and peaceful such an environment could be, where everything lives in perfect harmony with nature. His Kauthuka Parkis a monument that embodies his belief, that he and every other being in nature deserve equal rights to live and that it is our duty to protect and provide for, our lesser beings.Mr.Varkey has perfectly applied his philosophy of ‘One novel, practical idea is worth a Crore Rupees’ in his endeavor and when one visits his amazing Park, they will realize that the sheer worth of the effort, so lovingly put into this small piece of land, has made it worth more than any logical value.The inner peace that one experiences within this ‘Heaven On Earth’ is an eye opener to us all and Mr.Varkey’s ‘Park of peaceful coexistence’ gently but surely make us aware that this is a place worth preserving and that we need more and more people like Mr.Varkey, at least for the sake of our children.