Mr.Varkey Veliyath was born into a humble agricultural family and he spent his childhood helping his father in his farmlands, finding time to finish his schooling. His love of nature came from the respect that his father and every farmer had, to the land that they depended on, for existence. After schooling, like every Keralite, the lure of the distant riches pulled him also to the Middle East where he diligently worked for many years. But he always remembered the gentle call of Mother Nature, summoning him back to where his heart is.
His efforts and hard work for nature conservation resulted in the development of a nature park named Kauthukapark which became a favorite destination for tourists and travelers. Kauthukapark holds the Limca world record for single hand made largest nature park and holds the certification from Kerala State Biodiversity Board for conserving biodiversity in the form of a nature park.
He was very fortunate in getting a likeminded angel as his wife and he and Lissy, along with his daughter Reshma became the ‘Team Varkey’ that created this wonderful nature park of extraordinary peaceful coexistence, in their ancestral property of 1.25 acres.
A man who is passionate about Nature and all the living beings in it is also a good poet. Many of this literary works are exhibited in the park and they, as can be expected are all about nature and her virtues.
The ease with which Mr.Varkey communicates with each of his wards is astonishing and he intuitively senses the need of each and naturally, they respond to his love. The way many follow him around the park is a sight to behold.
The innovative experiments that Mr.Varkey has successfully done in aerial planting of trees are another astounding sight at the park. He has fused braches to form natural arches, has induced trees to grow new roots at their extremities making them look as though they have set on a slow walk across the park. The painstakingly made caves leading to ponds with crystal clear waters, rivulets and waterfalls, gentle hillocks and valleys all look so natural as a part of the scenery.
The collection of a variety of trees and plants, both medicinal and wild dot the park and even trees and plants relating to the zodiac are also there. Yet another collection is the utensils and agricultural appliances of a bygone era adding to the enchantment of the park.